Complications of my Contemplations
Every week I sit at my computer trying to think of something that happened during the week that would be good to analyze. And while I'm doing that one topic always comes to mind: what had happened at work the days before. To me it always seems to be a good topic because I love my job but it seems that whatever I write about always has something to do with work or is related to it in some way. So I analzed why it is so hard for me to think of something that has absolutely nothing to do with my job. It took some time because I really didn't exactly know why my life revolves around my job. I came up with a couple of reasons.
#1) The events that happen while at work. These things are either good or bad depending on the day but they do make me think a lot about why it happened or what could've happened differently. They are always the first things that I want to analyze because I had just recently worked and the things are still new in my head and they need to be written about. I am constantly thinking about things until they are resolved in my mind.
#2) My friends at work. I have many friends at work and since I only see them every weekend they always have stories or thing to share with me and I always have things to tell them also. These things seem to be important enough to me to write about because they always seem like a good topic but if I keep doing this thinks will get very redundant. Hopefully now that I know why I do this I will always be aware and think of different things.
dimanche, janvier 28, 2007
Publié par Aubree à 7:24 PM 2 commentaires
dimanche, janvier 21, 2007
There is a guy at my work that might possibly be starting to have a "thing" for me but I most definitely am not ever going to like him like that. He most likely knows this but doesn't care. He knows that I like a different guy that works there and he still doesn't care. You might be asking how I know this and its really quite simple, he asked me out on a date even after he found out that I like another boy. I have been thinking for days the possible reasons why he would ask me and the only thing I could think of was that he is desperate. This will be his first date and he is 19. I think he has told me before that he mom keeps bugging him about stuff and he is finally realizing that she might be right and that he does need a life. The poor kid hasn't had much experience with girls and he had the hardest time trying to find a time and place to ask me while at work. He is desperate for a first date and any relationship with a girl. Why it happened to be me I don't know and why it had to be him out of the many guys that work there I really don't know but I still can see that poor kid's look of desperation as he waited for my answer.
Publié par Aubree à 9:54 PM 1 commentaires
dimanche, janvier 07, 2007
The Petitions of Sweethearts
Asking a person to a dance really should not be that hard. It's just a simple question, right? In California the way to ask someone to a dance was just straight up. You would just ask them right out. Utahns have made it a little harder but also interesting and fun with the whole trying-to-ask-in-the-cutest-most-creative-way-possible thing. It always is a pain to try and think of something unique that's not totally cliche. I actually thought of a really good way to ask someone for the upcoming dance but I was having problems choosing who I would ask. Usually it's the other was around. Finally I broke it down to one guy but then I realized that I couldn't because I was too scared. I was asking myself over and over again, why is it so incredibly hard to ask someone that you like over someone that is just your friend? You would think that since you like this someone that you would really want to go out and have a fun night but it's so much harder. I think that it's because you are more afriad of what they'll think about you and how they will respond to your plea. You get more shy around people you like and you don't want to do anything that might make this person look at you in a different way that you want. Wanting to ask someone you like just brings on more problems than it should and is not recommended for those out there who are maybe considering it.
Publié par Aubree à 10:06 PM 2 commentaires