This is a really fun good movie to see. It has all the good stuff in it and two really good actors in it. But there is just something about the ending of this movie that really drives you crazy. It not that it doesn't end well because it does, it's not that it doesn't end exactly how it should because it does but it's just the crazy girl pop star that sort of sours the end just a little. This singer(Cora) is a peace loving, very laid back type girl. And in one her songs she makes it very Indian sounding when it shouldn't be. While on stage performing this song she comes out of this huge statue of Buddha dancing and wearing a very provocative outfit. It is so contradictory in so many ways that you just are driven insane through the sheer craziness of the whole thing. She is singing a song about love and sensitivity while coming out of Buddah almost naked and making a fool out of herself. You do not bring Buddha, something sacred to some people, onto a stage with crazy people. It could be considered very sacreligious to many people and was definitely wrong to me.