dimanche, novembre 19, 2006

Greatly awaited, Deeply Anticipated: Beeky

Becky Boo. This is a very difficult subject to analyze because she is so strange and complex you don't even know what to think about her. She has a weird way of making you feel incredibly stupid with no real foundation on what she made you feel stupid about. It's quite amazing actually. She is also very feministic. She has a hatred towards all boys. They are pointless and totally stupid to her. They just can walk by and she'll already be hating them. She doesn't want a man to tie her down and she feels that's all they'll really do for her all her life. I've always asked her why but she just kinda says just because they're stupid. I don't believe this so I've taken the liberty of analyzing what she really thinks.

In the past, until just recently, women have been regarded as inferior and not as strong as men. They've always been told that they aren't any good at anything but taking care of a house and children. Becky knows these things and has a great indignation towards them. She's always felt that women are the only ones that can really do anything right in the world. Men screw everything up and are mean, cruel, and nasty. Why does she feel this way about guys? She most likely had some traumatic experience with some guy and it caused her to feel this way. In my evaluations of The Becky I have noticed she seems a little shy and awkward around "the boys" so she pushes away from them, her excused being that they are stupid. She secretly is feeling in someway that since she can't really be around them without feeling weird that she must stay away from them. She gives off a very convincing ruse that she really does hate boys but she really just doesn't know what to do around them.

(Umm... Becky don't kill me for this. I don't believe what I said. It's just what I think you think. Oh and about the picture... I think its cute!)

2 commentaires:

*~BECKY~BOO~* a dit…

No I really do hate them not just because I feel awkward around them. But it is true that they are stupied and can't do anything right. Oh, and the picture, not cute, of you yes of me nooooooooo.

Corinne a dit…

That was true but becky's comment was not. Becky doesn't hate all boys, she likes one that I can think of,very much. His name may or may not start with a z.