dimanche, octobre 01, 2006

..::12 Erratic Hours::..

Working for twelve hours in one day is a crazy feat that I hope never to experience again. Why is working twelve hours so insane? Working at a movie theater poses some difficulties that make it not conducive to that much work, such as, constantly being on your feet, interacting with not so happy customers, and the major cleaning at the end of it all.

Your feet are certainly strong for putting up with all the activities that goes on during the day, but they must have a limit. I believe my limit was reached yesterday during my double shift at work. I have been used to working my usual shifts of six hours for a while, but it did take some time for that to happen. My feet were killing me about seven hours in. The end of twelve I was so ready to just sit for the same amount of hours. Working for that long is not good for anybody's feet.

Others' attitudes truly do affect your own. When I tried to talk to someone and offer them something else they would just snap at me like I should know what they want or don't want. I would just be especially nice to those kinds of people but it does put you off of your good feelings towards anyone for the rest of the day. When customers treat you like your stupid for twelve hours it really starts to drive you crazy. By the end of the night you'll have been freaking out that you're so tired you don't want to do anything at all. It makes your whole body hurt as well as your feet.

When you close the movie theater you have a lot of cleaning to do before you can go home. You must clean the popcorn popper, the warmers, the dishes, the counters, the floors, and any other random thing that the managers feel like forcing you to do. After already having an aching body and feet the last thing you want to do is clean for two hours. Cleaning the popper is what takes the most time if you do it right. That is what I had to clean and it took me longer than usual because of my achiness. It was totally and completly the craziest day that I have worked there. Twelve hours is no good; it has made me appreciate how much easier the usual six hours is because of all the problems it gave me.

3 commentaires:

Aubrey Koehler a dit…

I bet it must be hard! i am glad i dont have to work there and do that! Good job my hard working friend! not to mention rich! haha

Corinne a dit…

and you want me to work there.. well seeing as i am an excellent movie theater goer toer I should be great

*~BECKY~BOO~* a dit…

my heart bleeds for you little one. I know your pain and i feel for you. Though closing is not as bad as yours it is still gross. Love you and admiringly Boo.